Friday, December 09, 2005

Growing Up

No school today. Not because it's snowing like a banshee outside right now (it is!) but because of teacher conferences. I tried to have Hannah sleep in a little bit this morning but she wouldn't. Polly Pocket and 1,746,542 tiny, vacuum loving Polly Pocket accessories are strewn all over the kitchen table now.

My house and all it's clutter is really starting to get to me. I'm not kidding when I say I have collected and thrown any 2 garbage bags full of old, broken, or missing a piece toys. However, I still don't' see a difference in the amount of stuff she has. I hope Sanat can control himself and not bring her a ton more stuff.

Last night we went out to dinner with some friends and their 5 month old daughter. I had forgotten how tiny a little baby is and how good they smell and how precious their cute little smiles are. Her dad said to me "Doesn't this make you want another Sheri?" I said no but deep down in my heart... it did. I have a hard time remembering my daughter when she was that little. I do remember my favorite times with her...... her last bottle before bed. Her and I would sit in her bedroom, rocking in the chair. I would be holding her and she would be gazing at me while having her bottle. If I spoke softly to her, she'd stop drinking and grin at me and melt my heart. I would sing to her or tell her a story and she'd listen intently.... staring deeply in my eyes. The time goes by so fast. She was born, changed my life, I blinked and now she's seven. It's not fair. She still loves to be sung to or be told a story but the days of her drowsily, sitting in my lap are over. Here's an example of her growing up and getting sassy. Last night's conversation in the car between her and Gary (who had said something that was wrong):

Hannah: "Dad, admit it... you are wrong!"

Gary: "Ok, Hannah. You're right. I was wrong. I guess I'm pretty stupid."

Hannah: "Yeah, well, Dad - go somewhere else and be stupid will you?"

***Edited to add: This man is dancing in happiness becuase I'm going to hit 10,000 visitors to my blog TODAY!!


Melody said...

Rocking my kids to sleep is one of my fondest memories as well. The smell, the warmth...ahhhhh...those were the days.

lime said...

i hear ya. nothing like a tiny baby in your arms. i miss it too sometimes

Anonymous said...

Brought tears to my eyes. Those moments are so special, you never want to let them go...

ccw said...

Such sweet memories!

Babies have never made me want more babies. I see babies as exhaustion, but toddlers really get me going.

The sassiness only gets worse, but maybe you will get lucky.

Congrats on 10,000 visitors!

Marie Rossiter said...

No school here either today, Sheri, and for once, they made the right call. I went out to ghe store not long after the snow started here in Auburn; by the time we got to Hannaford's, it wasn't great. By the time we came home, it just plain sucked. For a while, the snow came down so hard, it looked like it was piling up right before our eyes.

I'll post some pics at my blog in a bit. Gotta go check on dinner.


Robin said...

Those days aren't necessarily over. I thought they were too, but when my baby became a teenager who fell asleep with her head in my lap while watching a movie, I realized that every so often, they become our babies again.

Mike Todd said...

I go somewhere else and be stupid all the time -- doesn't seem to help. Congrats on 10,000!

Beth said...

I don't even use a counter on mine. Am I weird that way?

I miss having my babies. I remember things in glimpses now. It is sad.

Unknown said...

Congrats on 10,000! Awesome!!!

And what a cutie pie!! 5 months - wow. It's hard to believe mine were that small once!

And Hannah makes me LOL :O)