Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Yoga. I want to try it. It looks so relaxing. I know I love to stretch so maybe this will help? I bought a Yoga for Beginners DVD and Leslie Sansone's Walk DVD. Sorry about that, I just wanted to try posting a picture without going through Bloggerbot. I am so excited that I have it figured out! Anyway....back to your regularly scheduled program which is me yacking about nothing in particular. My exercise or lack of it. I've been wearing my pedometer and keeping track of my steps. I try to do more each day and that's going well.

Gary's getting ready to go to Florida on the 26th. He's really looking forward to that. Then we are all going to South Padre/Mexico at the end of February. I'm going to try and get a tanning package going this month to get a little color before then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you know what they say "If you can't Tone it TAN it. Good luck with Yoga, I like it. Mel