Sunday, December 10, 2006


I'm sharing these pictures of my livingroom in progress so you can get an idea of what state of mind I am in. Frazzled! Ziggy is coming tomorrow morning to start painting the walls and the paint color we chose is Sherwin Williams Dover White. Ziggy is a funny guy. He moved to the United States from Poland when he was 24. I don't know how old he is now..... maybe 48 or 49? He's a very down to earth man and I love to listen to him talk because he has such an accent. He and Gary bartered some work out and that is why Ziggy is working here for a little bit.

Friday night we went out to dinner with some business associates from San Antonio. That morning we received our first substantial snowfall of the year and the associates were thrilled to see snow. Not to drive in it, but thrilled to see it. They also were glad they brought their longjohns to put on and I know they took pictures with their cellphones to share with their friends back home.

Chloe enjoys the windows being bare because now she can stand up and look out to here heart's content. She loves to watch the birds at the feeders and the squirrels under them on the ground.

Last night, we went up to Auburn to have dinner with Rodney and Regina and Nancy and George. We had a fabulous time (as always!) and look forward to seeing them all next week at Randy and Anita's. They couldn't make it last night because Anita had some sort of surgery on her mouth this week and it's making eating very difficult. I don't know exactly what she had done because as soon as I heard the words 'skin grafts on gums', I blacked out from the sheer horror of it. Can you imagine?

Here's a happy thought.... only 14 more days until Christmas.


lime said...

oh my, 14 days till xmas and your house is like that. i feel your pain. ive been ordered to paint the house before the fam gets here for xmas.....and mr lime does not paint.

ccw said...

I really need Gary and friends to come finish my remodel. I have a feeling they would get it done in no time.

Melody said...

And this all started because you wanted a closet? hmmmmmm :/

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Quiet a mess. And right around this nice, quiet time of year! (ha!)

Joel said...

OMG! THAT would drive me insane! Hope you are having a good pre-Christmas! I have NOT even started shopping!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're dealing with little home improvement project with Christmas only 2 weeks away? WIth the craziness that the holidays bring I have to hand it to you to deal with this little extra project.

Hope you're staying warm... it's been rather mild thus far here in Philly.