Sunday, November 12, 2006

New Kitties

Today, we are adding 2 new additions to our family. Sydney (pronounced Sid-nay) and Princess, brother and sister half Siamese kittens. Mom is bringing them home from Oakland today. Hannah is beside herself with excitement, I just want to make sure they know exactly where the litterbox is.

I'll post pictures later!

edited to add: Here is Sidney (on left) and Princess (on right)


Julie said...

I think that's awesome Sheri. I am a cat lover ALL THE WAY and you will so enjoy the stress relief cats can give you. And I can just see Hannah's face when she sees the little balls of fur. Cherish them and wnjoy them... Can't wait for pictures...will be sweet!

lime said...

very cute. thankfully cats are eiseir to train than dogs are with regard to toilet....unfortunately that is where the ease ends too, hzahahahaha

Anonymous said...

OMG! They are so cute! Cute, cute, cute! I can almost hear them purring! Love 'em!

Congratulations. Now where's the milk? :-)


Beth said...

Do they have the squished noses? That's my favorite kind of cat AND dog.

Anonymous said...

They are so cute and squishy!

Yvette said...

some how i missed this post.....

those kitties are beautiful...i too am jealous!!!

good luck and have lots fun...