Monday, October 23, 2006

It Doesn't Have to be Fancy

On Sunday, I spent a few hours removing the final gallons of water from the pool with my shop-vac. It wasn't hard work....just tedious because the 16 gallons the shop-vac held took about 25 seconds to fill up and then I had to drain it out. Hannah helped me do this and she even got into the pool in her bare feet to pick up the leaves that had gotten in and turned slimy. blech.

It was a beautiful, fall day. Crisp, blue skies with a cool temperature but the sun felt warm.

Hannah was so proud to give me this bouquet that she picked of the final flowers of summer (and a little mustard weed thrown in for good measure) aaaaaa--chooooooo!

Sometimes it is the simple pleasures that can make me so happy.


Regina, a forty something mother of two that refuses to grow up said...

I used to always love the flowers that the boys used to bring me, it's one of the great perks of being a mom!

Yvette said...

how cute!

Joel said...

The flowers must have meant so much to you!

ccw said...

So sweet!

Beth said...

Awww, now that was heart-warming!

Melody said...

Awwwww....I miss those days.

Anonymous said...

So sweet ;-). What a cutie.

lime said...

that's the sort of bouquet that puts the most expensive sort to complete shame. beautiful, just like the lil girl who gave it.

Anonymous said...

I can already see the smile on your face! How lovely.
