Saturday, August 12, 2006


And Gary thought I was just the old ball n'chain!

Dreamy Exciting Expert Readily Luxuriating in Erotic Delights and Glorious Embraces

What does your name mean? Click on the heart above to go to the Sexy Name Decoder, courtesy of Larry.


Yvette said...

Y.V.E.T.T.E.: Yearner Volunteering Erotic Touches and Thrilling Embraces

That was fun and absolutely, 100% correct about me, after 6 good mixed drinks!!

ccw said...

ccw: charming, charismatic woman

Anonymous said...


H.E.A.T.H.E.R.: Hottie Exchanging Arousing Touches and Hot, Erotic Recreation

It did not like my blog name, so oh well!

lime said...

Made for

works for me!

Larry said...

"Luxuriating". There's a word you don't hear every day. I think I'll try to work that into a conversation today...


Regina, a forty something mother of two that refuses to grow up said...

Wow!!! I'm hotter stuff than I thought!!! LOL
Who would guess?

Regina, a forty something mother of two that refuses to grow up said...

Oh, by the way my name means......
Reveler Exchanging Gratificaton and Intense, Naughty Affection.
I'm having a blonde moment today.

Beth said...

LMAO! Sheri, you always make me crack up.

Beth said...

Oh, I'm Babe Exchanging Touches and Hugs.